Logic of an Article

Copy/paste into a word document. Read and assess the logic of the article you found from one of the databases. Email me your assessment before the end of class for a max score of 100. I will accept tomorrow for a max score of 80. 

The Logic of “(Name the Article)”

(Paste MLA citation here.)

1. The main purpose of this article is _________________________________. (Tell me as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for writing the article.)

2. The key question that the author is addressing is _______________________. (Figure out the key question in the mind of the author when s/he wrote the article.)

3. The most important information in this article is _______________________. (Figure out the facts, experiences, data the author is using to support her/his conclusions.)

4. The main inferences/conclusions in this article are ______________________ (Identify the key conclusions the author comes to and presents in the article.)

5a. The key concept(s) we need to understand in this article is (are) _____________. (Concepts are not "vocubulary"; they are ideas.)

5b. By these concepts the author means ___________________________________(Figure out the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the author’s line of reasoning.)

6. The main assumption(s) underlying the author’s thinking is (are) _____________.(Figure out what the author is taking for granted [that might be questioned].)

7a. If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are ________________.(What consequences are likely to follow if people take the author’s line of reasoning seriously?)

7b. If we fail to take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are __________.(What consequences are likely to follow if people ignore the author’s reasoning?)

8. The main point(s) of view presented in this article is (are) ____________________(What is the author looking at, and how is s/he seeing it?)